Shufayya Asbahi narrated: I entered Madinah and came upon a man around whom people had gathered. I asked, “Who is he?” They said, “Abu Hurayrah (R.A)“ So, I went near him till I sat down opposite him while he was narrating hadith to the people. When he paused and was alone I said to him, “I ask you by Truth, by Allah, narrate to me a hadith that you may have heard from Allah’s Messenger ﷺ , understood it and remembered it.” He said, “ I will do that, narrate to you a hadith that Allah’s Messenger narrated to me and I understood it and I remember it” Then he shrieked and fell unconscious and revived after a while and repeated, “Surely, I will narrate to you a hadith that Allah’s Messenger ﷺ narrated to me in this house, there being no one else with us, only I and he.” Then, Abu Hurayrah shrieked loudly and fell unconscious. He recovered shortly, wired his face and said, “I will do it. Surely I will narrate to you a hadith that Allah’s Messenger narrated to me I and he were in this house, there being no one else with us, besides me and him.” Then he shrieked loudly and fell unconscious and, as he was falling done on his face, I supported him for a long time. Then he regained consciousness and said, “Allah’s Messenger ﷺ narrated to me that on the Day of Resurrection, Allah the Exalted, will come down to the worshippers to judge between them and all the ummahs will kneel down. The first of those who are summoned will be a man who had memorised the Qur’an, a man who was slain in Allah’s path and a man who had much wealth Allah will say to the reciter of the Quran, ‘Did I not teach you what I had revealed to My Messenger?’ He would answer, ‘Certainly, O my Lord! He would ask, ‘So what did you do with what you had learnt?’. He would say, ‘I stood up with it in the night and during day in prayer Allah will say to him, ‘You lie,’ and the angels will say to him, ‘You have lied’. Allah will say to him, ‘Rather, you hoped to be cited as a reciter and that has been done’. The man of wealth will be presented next and Allah will say ‘Did I not give you plenty so that you may not depend on anyone?’. He would confirm, ‘Certainly, O my Lord!’ He will ask, ‘Then what did you do with that which I gave you?’ He would answer, ‘I joined ties of relationship and gave sadaqah’. Allah will say to him, ‘You lie,’ and the angels will also say, ‘You have lied’. Allah will say, ‘Rather, you loved to be referred to as a philanthropist and that was done’. Then the one who was slain in Allah’s path will be presented and Allah will ask, ‘Why were you killed?’ He will say, ‘you commanded (us) to wage jihad in Your path, so I fought till I was killed’. Allah will say to him ‘You lie,’ and the angels will affirm, ‘You have lied’. And, Allah will say, ‘Rather, you hoped to be called brave and that was done’. After that, Allah’s Messenger patted me on my knee and said, ‘O Abu Hurayrah! They are the first three of Allah’s creatures with whom the fire will be kindled on the Day of Resurrection’. Walid Abu Uthman Mada’ini said: Uqbah ibn Muslim informed me that Shufayya was the very one who had come to Mu’awiyah and informed him with that. Abu Uthman reported from Ata ibn Abu Hakim, the executioner in Muawiyah’s court that a man came to him and narrated it from Abu Hurayrah (RA). Mu’awiyah said , “If that is how it is done with them then how will it be with the rest of the men?”Then Mu’awiyah (RA)i wept and he wept profusely till the others around imagined that he would die. They said, “This man has come to us with evil in mind.” Then Mu’awiyah recovered and wiped his face and said, “Allah has spoken the truth and His Messenger” (when He said:) Whose desires the life of this world and its adornment; we shall pay them in full for their deeds therein, and they shall not be made to suffer (any) loss in it. Those are they for whom is nothing in the Hereafter except the Fire. All that they contrive here would be in vain, and void would be that they used to do. (11: 15-16)