Sayyidina Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated: Some meat was presented to Allah’s Messenger and he was offered the foreleg which he liked very much and he bit a piece of it. Then he said: On the Day Resurrection, I shall be the chief of men. Do you see why? Allah will assemble mankind the first and the last in one place. A caller will (be able) to make them hear him while the sight (of a seer) will penetrate them. The sun will draw near to them. So, mankind will be grieved and worried with what they are unable to cope and bear and they will say to each other. “Do you not see what has come over you? Do you not find one who might intercede for you with your Lord?” Then they will say to each other, “You must go to Aadam’ so they will come to Aadam, and say, “You are the father of human beings. Allah created you with His hand and blew into you His spirit and commanded the angels and they prostrated to you. Intercede for us with your Lord. Do you not see what we face? Do you not see what has befallen us?” So, Adam will say to them, “Indeed, my Lord is angry today as He has never been angry before nor will he be as angry again. And He had forbidden me to approach the tree but O disobeyed Him. Nafsi, nafsi, nafsi.O Go to someone other than me. Go to Nuh.” So, they will come to Nuh and say, “O Nuh! you are the first of the Messengers to the people of earth and Allah has named you a grateful slave, intercede for us with your Lord. Do you not see the plight we are in? Do you not see what has befallen us?” So Nuh will say to them, “Indeed my Lord is angry today as He was never angry before this nor will he ever be as angry again. And that there was a prayer for me (which he had assured me would be accepted) and I made it (for my people to be ruined and so lost the opportunity). Nafsi, nafsi, nafsi. Go to someone else. Go to Ibrahim.” So, they will come to him, and say, “O Ibrahim! You are Allah’s Prophet ﷺ and His friend from the people of the earth. So, intercede for us with your Lord. Do you not see what plight we face?” He will say, “My Lord is angry today as He was never angry before and will never be angry after this. And I had lied three times.” Abu Hayyan has mentioned them in hadith. “Nafsi, nafsi, nafsi, Go to other than me, go to Musa.” So they will come to Musa and tell him, “O Musa! You are Messenger. Allah preferred you over all mankind with His messengership and conversation with Him. Intercede for us with your Lord. Do you not see what we are in?” He will say, “My lord is angry today as He has never been nor will be again after today. And I had killed a man not ordered to be killed. Nafsi, nafsi, nafsi! Go to someone else, Go to Eesa.” So, they will come to Eesa and say, “O Eesa! You are Allah’s Messenger and His word that He cast at Maryam, and a spirit from Him, and you spoke to the people from the cradle. Intercede for us with your lord.DO you not see our predicament?” Eesa will say, “Indeed, my Lord is angry today as He has never been before this and will never be as angry after today.” And he will not mention his faulI nafsi, nafsi. Go to someone else, go to Muhammad ﷺ “ They will come to him “ O Muhammad ﷺ , you are Allah’s Messenger and the seal of Prophets and indeed you are forgiven what preceded of your sins and what came afterwards. Intercede for us with your Lord not observe the plight we face?” So, I will go ahead and come under the Throne and fall down in prostration to my Lord. And, Allah will open to me words of his praise and of glorifying Him which He had never taught anyone before me. Then it will be said, “ O Muhammad ﷺ ! raise your head. Ask, it will be given to you. And intercede; your intercession will be approved. Raise your head.” So, I will say, “O Lord, my ummah.” He will say, “O Muhammad ﷺ , admit those of your ummah who are not liable to account through the right gate of the gates Paradise though they may be partners of other people in going through gates besides this of Paradise.” The Prophet ﷺ added, “By Him in whose hand is my life, the distance between every two gate-posts of Paradise is like the distance between Makkah and Hajr and like between Makkah and Busra.” [Bukhari 3361, Muslim 193] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------