Sayyidina Anas (RA) said, “ We would long or an intelligent villager to come and put question to the the Prophet ﷺ while we were with him. So, we were with this hope when, suddenly, an arahi (villager) came and sat down (humbly) on folded legs before the Prophet ﷺ . He said, “O Muhammad ﷺ ! your envoy came to us and informed us that you claim that Allah has sent you as His Messenger”. The Prophet ﷺ said, “Yes”. He asked, “By Him who has raised the sky, and stretched the earth, and pitched the mountains has Allah sent you?” l’he Prophet ﷺ said, ‘Yes”. He said, “Your envoy informed us that you claim that prayer is prescribed on us five times during a day and night’. So the Prophet ﷺ said “Yes”. He said, “By Him who has sent you, has Allah commanded you with that?” He said, “Yes!. He said, Your envoy told us that you claim that fasting is prescribed for us one month in a year”. The Prophet ﷺ said, “He has spoken the truth”. He said, “By Him who has sent you, has Allah commanded you with that?” So, the Prophet ﷺ said, “Yes!” He said, “And your envoy told us that you claim that it is an obligation on us to pay zakah on our properties”. So, the Prophet ﷺ -, said, “He has spoken the truth”. He said, “By Him who has sent you, has Allah enjoined it upon you?” The Prophet ﷺ said, “Yes!” He said, “Your envoy impressed upon us that you claim that hajj to the House of Allah is an obligation on those of us who can afford to undertake it”. So, the Prophet ﷺ said, “Yes”. He said, “By Him who has sent you, has Allah enjoined it upon you?” He said, “Yes!” So he said, “By Him who has sent you with the truth! I will not deduct anything from it, nor add anything to it”. Then, he got up and departed. The Prophet ﷺ said to his Companions (RA), “If the villager speaks the truth then he will enter Paradise”. [Ahmed12459, Bukhari 63, Muslim 12, Nisai 2087] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------