Yahya ibn Yamur reported that the first person who spoke about Divine decree Mbad Juhanni. He said that he and Humayd ibn Abdur Rahman Himyari set out for Madinah hoping to meet one of the sahabah of the Prophet ﷺ that they may ask him about the innovation of these people. They met him meaning, Abdullah ibn Umar (RA) while he was outside the mosque. (He went on to say:) I and my friend stood by him. I presumed that my friend left me to speak, so I said, “O Abu Abdur Rahman. Certain people recite the Qur’an and acquire knowledge, but are convinced that there is no predestination and they hold that fate is not decreed aforehand. ‘ Ibn Umar (RA) said, “When you meet them, let them know that I am absolved of them, and they are absolved of me. By Him on whom Abdullah swears often if they give away gold as much as Uhud, it would not be accepted from them till they believe in destiny, good and bad.” Then he began to narrate Hadtih saying that Umar (RA) ibn al-Khattab (RA) said that they were with Allah’s Messenger ﷺ when a man came wearing extremely white clothing and deep black hair but signs of a journey could not be detected on him nor could they recognise him as one of them. He came to the Prophet ﷺ and sat down beside him, his knees touching the Prophet’s ﷺ . He asked “ O Muhammad ﷺ , what is faith”? He said, “It is to believe in Allah, His angels, His Books, His Messengers (peace be upon them all), in the Last Day and in Predestination of good and evil.” He asked, “And what is Islam?” He said, ‘It is. to testify that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger ﷺ to establish the Salah, to pay the Zakah, to perform pilgrimage of the House and to fast in Ramadan.’ He asked, “And what is Ihsan”? He said, It is that you worship Allah as though you see Him, for it you cannot see Him, He sees you.” The visitor remarked, “In everything that you have spoken, you spoke truth.” Umar (RA) said that they were surprised at his questioning him and then confirming that he spoke the truth. Next, he asked, “And when is the Hour?” He said, “The one who is questioned does not know more about it than the one who asks.” He asked, “Then what are its Signs?” He said, “That a maid-servant will beget her mistress and that you see barefooted, naked-bodied, helpless shepherds construct tall buildings.” Umar (RA) said that the Prophet ﷺ then met him after three days and said, “Umar (RA) , do you know who the questioner was? He was Jibril come to teach you the basics of your religion.” [Muslim 8, Abu Dawud 4695,Nisai 5005,Ibn Majah 63,Ahmed 184] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------