Jabir said: We came back to the (camp of the) army and Allahs Messenger ﷺ said: Jabir, call people for performing wudu. I cried: Come and perform wudu, come and perform wudu, come and perform wudu. I said: Allahs Messenger, there is not even a drop of water in the army camp, and there was a person who used to cool the water for Allahs Messenger ﷺ in the old water-skin which kept hanging by the twig. He asked me to go to such and such Ansari and ask him to see if there was any water in that skin. I went to him and cast a glance in it but did not find anything but a drop in the mouth of that water-skin and if I were to draw that, the water-skins dried part would suck it up. I came to Allahs Messenger ﷺ and said: Allahs Messenger, I have not found anything in it but a drop of water in the mouth of the water-skin and now if I were to draw that, it would be absorbed. He said: Go and bring that to me. I brought that to him. He took hold of it and began to utter something which I could not understand and then pressed it with his hand and gave that to me and said: Jabir, announce for the tub to be brought. So I announced that the tub of the army (be brought). It was brought accordingly and I placed it before him (the Holy Prophet). Thereupon Allahs Messenger ﷺ placed his hands in the tub like this: with his fingers stretched out, and then he placed his fingers at the bottom of the tub and said: Jabir, take it (that waters-skin) and pour water over me, by reciting Bismillah, and I poured water and I said: Bismillah, and found water sprouting out between the fingers of Allahs Messenger ﷺ . Then that tub gushed forth until it was filled up and the Messenger ﷺ said: Jabir, make an announcement to the effect: He who needs water should take that. Jabir said: The people came and got water until they were all satiated. I said: Is there anyone left who wants to get it? And Allahs Messenger ﷺ then lifted up his hand from that tub and it was still full.