Abu Hurairah (RA) reported: When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ got up for prayer, he would say the takbir (Allah-o-Akbar) when standing, then say the takbir when bowing. then say: "Allah listened to him who praised him," when coming to the erect position after bowing, then say while standing:" To Thee, our Lord, be the praise", then recite the takbir when getting down for prostration, then say the takbir on raising his head, then say the takbir on prostrating himself, then say the takbir on raising his head. He would do that throughout the whole prayer till he would complete it, and he would say the takbir when he would get up at the end of two rakas after adopting the sitting posture. Abu Hurairah (RA) said: My prayer has the best resemblance amongst you with the prayer of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ .