Al-Bara reported: Abu Bakr (RA) purchased a saddle from me for thirteen dirhams; the rest of the hadith is the same, and in the narration of Uthman bin Umar, the words are: He (Suraqa bin Malik) drew near Allahs Messenger ﷺ , and he (the Holy Prophet) cursed him and his camel sank in the earth up to the belly and he jumped from that and said: Muhammad, I am fully aware of it that it is your doing. Supplicate Allah that He should rescue me from it in which I am (pitchforked) and I give you a solemn pledge that I shall keep this as a secret from all those who are coming after me. Take hold of an arrow out of it (quiver) for you will find my camels and my slaves at such and such place and you can get whatever you need (on showing this arrow). He (the Holy Prophet) said: I dont need your camels. And we (the Holy Prophet ﷺ and Abu Bakr) came to Madinah during the night and the people began to contend as to where Allahs Messenger ﷺ should reside and he encamped in the tribe of Najjar who were related to Abd ul-Muttalib from the side of mother. Allahs Messenger ﷺ honoured them, then people climbed upon house-top and women also and boys scattered in the way, and they were all crying: Muhammad, Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, Messenger of Allah.