Safiyya daughter of Huyyay (the wife of Allahs Apostle) ﷺ reported that while Allahs Messenger ﷺ had been observing Itikaf, I came to visit him one night and talked with him for some time. Then I stood up to go back and he (Allahs Apostle) ﷺ also stood up with me in order to bid me good-bye. She was at that time residing in the house of Usama bin Zaid. The two persons from the Ansar happened to pass by him. When they saw Allahs Apostle ﷺ , they began to walk swiftly. Thereupon Allahs Messenger ﷺ said to them: Walk calmy, she is Safiyya daughter of Huyyay... Both of them said: Messenger, hallowed be Allah, we cannot conceive of being doubtful even in the remotest corners of our minds), whereupon He said: Satan circulates in the body of man like the circulation of blood and I was afraid lest it should instill any evil in your heart or anything.