Hammam bin Munabbih reported that Abu Hurairah (RA) reported many ahadith from Allahs Messenger ﷺ and one of them speaks that Allahs Messenger ﷺ is reported to have said: Banu Israil used to take bath (together) naked and thus saw private parts of one another, but Moses (علیہ السلام) (peace be upon him) used to take bath alone (in privacy), and they said: By Allah, nothing prevents Moses (علیہ السلام) to take bath along with us; but scrotal hernia. One day when he ( Moses (علیہ السلام)) was taking bath (alone) he placed his clothes upon a stone, but the stone began to move along with his clothes. Moses (علیہ السلام) raced after it saying: My garment, stone; until (some of the people) of Banu Israil looked at the private parts of Moses (علیہ السلام), and they said: By Allah, there is no trouble with Moses (علیہ السلام). The stone stopped after he ( Moses (علیہ السلام)) had been seen. He took hold of his garments and struck the stone. Abu Hurairah (RA) said: I swear by Allah that there were six or seven scars on the stone because of the striking of stone by Moses (علیہ السلام) (peace be upon him).