It is reported on the authority of Ali that Fatima had corns in her hand because of working at the hand-mill. There had fallen to the lot of Allahs Apostle ﷺ some prisoners of war. She (Fatima) came to the Holy Prophet ﷺ but she did not find him (in the house). She met Aisha and informed her (about her hardship). When Allahs Apostle ﷺ came, she ( Aisha) informed him about the visit of Fatima. Allahs Messenger ﷺ came to them (Fatima and her family). They had gone to their beds. Ali further (reported): We tried to stand up (as a mark of respect) but Allahs Messenger ﷺ said: Keep to your beds, and he sat amongst us and I felt coldness of his feet upon my chest. He then said: May I not direct you to something better than what you have asked for? When you go to your bed, you should recite Takbir (Allah-o-Akbar) thirty-four times and Tasbih (Subhdn Allah) thirty-three times and Tahmid (al-Hamdu li-Allah) thirty-three times, and that is better than the servant for you.