Hisham bin Urwa reported on the authority of his father (RA) that Arwa bint Uwais disputed with Said bin Zaid that he had seized some of the land belonging to her. She brought this dispute before Marwan bin al-Hakam. Said said: How could I take a part of her land, after what I heard from Allahs Messenger (may peace be uponhim)? He (Marwan) said: What did you hear from Allahs Messenger ﷺ ? He said: I heard Allahs Messenger ﷺ say: He who wrongly took a span of land would be made to wear around his neck seven earths. Marwan said: I do not ask any evidence from you after this. He (Said) said: O Allah, make her blind if she has told a lie and kill her in her own land. He (the narrator) said: She did not die until she had lost her eyesight, and (one day) as she was walking in her land, she fell down into a pit and died.