Narrated Malik bin Aus (RA):
While I was at home, the sun rose high and it got hot. Suddenly the messenger of Umar bin Al-Khattab (RA) came to me and said, "The chief of the believers has sent for you." So, I went along with him till I entered the place where Umar was sitting on a bedstead made of date-palm leaves and covered with no mattress, and he was leaning over a leather pillow. I greeted him and sat down. He said, "O Malik! Some persons of your people who have families came to me and I have ordered that a gift should be given to them, so take it and distribute it among them." I said, "O chief of the believers! I wish that you order someone else to do it." He said, "O man! Take it." While I was sitting there with him, his doorman Yarfa came saying, "Uthman, Abdur-Rahman bin Auf, Az-Zubair and Sad bin Abi Waqqas are asking your permission (to see you); may I admit them?" Umar said, "Yes", So they were admitted and they came in, greeted him, and sat down. After a while Yarfa came again and said, "May I admit Ali and Abbas?" Umar said, "yes." So, they were admitted and they came in and greeted (him) and sat down. Then Abbas said, "O chief of the believers! Judge between me and this (i.e. Ali)." They had a dispute regarding the property of Bani An-Nadir which Allah had given to His Apostle ﷺ as Fai. The group (i.e. Uthman and his companions) said, "O chief of the believers! Judge between them and relieve both of them front each other." Umar said, "Be patient! I beseech you by Allah by Whose Permission the Heaven and the Earth exist, do you know that Allahs Apostle ﷺ said, Our (i.e. prophets) property will not be inherited, and whatever we leave, is Sadaqa (to be used for charity), and Allahs Apostle ﷺ meant himself (by saying "we)?" The group said, "He said so." Umar then turned to Ali and Abbas and said, "I beseech you by Allah, do you know that Allahs Apostle ﷺ said so?" They replied, " He said so." Umar then said, "So, I will talk to you about this matter. Allah bestowed on His Apostle ﷺ with a special favor of something of this Fai (booty) which he gave to nobody else." Umar then recited the Holy Verses: "What Allah bestowed as (Fai) Booty on his Apostle ﷺ (Muhammad) from them --- for this you made no expedition with either cavalry or camelry: But Allah gives power to His Apostles over whomever He will And Allah is able to do all things." 9:6)
Umar added "So this property was especially given to Allahs Apostle, but, by Allah, neither did he take possession of it and leave your, nor did he favor himself with it to your exclusion, but he gave it to all of you and distributed it amongst you till this property remained out of it. Allahs Apostle ﷺ used to spend the yearly expenses of his family out of this property and used to keep the rest of its revenue to be spent on Allah s Cause. Allah s Apostle ﷺ kept on doing this during all his lifetime. I ask you by Allah do you know this?" They replies in the affirmative. Umar then said to Ali and Abbas. "I ask you by Allah, do you know this?" Umar added, "When Allah had taken His Prophet ﷺ unto Him, Abu Bakr (RA) said, I am the successor of Allahs Apostle ﷺ so, Abu Bakr (RA) took over that property and managed it in the same way as Allahs Apostle ﷺ used to do, and Allah knows that he was true, pious and rightly-guided, and he was a follower of what was right. Then Allah took Abu Bakr (RA) unto Him and I became Abu Bakrs successor, and I kept that property in my possession for the first two years of my Caliphate, managing it in the same way as Allahs Apostle ﷺ used to do and as Abu Bakr (RA) used to do, and Allah knows that I have been true, pious, rightly guided, and a follower of what is right. Now you both (i.e. Ah and Abbas) came to talk to me, bearing the same claim and presenting the same case; you, Abbas, came to me asking for your share from your nephews property, and this man, i.e. Ali, came to me asking for his wifes share from her fathers property. I told you both that Allahs Apostle ﷺ said, Our (prophets) properties are not to be inherited, but what we leave is Sadaqa (to be used for charity). When I thought it right that I should hand over this property to you, I said to you, I am ready to hand over this property to you if you wish, on the condition that you would take Allahs Pledge and Convention that you would manage it in the same way as Allahs Apostle ﷺ used to, and as Abu Bakr (RA) used to do, and as I have done since I was in charge of it. So, both of you said (to me), Hand it over to us, and on that condition I handed it over to you. So, I ask you by Allah, did I hand it over to them on this condition?" The group aid, "Yes." Then Umar faced Ali and Abbas saying, "I ask you by Allah, did I hand it over to you on this condition?" They said, "Yes. " He said, " Do you want now to give a different decision? By Allah, by Whose Leave both the Heaven and the Earth exist, I will never give any decision other than that (I have already given). And if you are unable to manage it, then return it to me, and I will do the job on your behalf.