Hadith # 940
'Abdullah bin Abu Aufa (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: While offering the funeral prayer of one of his daughters, he recited four Takbir, and after the fourth Takbir he continued standing for a time equal to an interval between two Takbir, praying for her and seeking Allah's forgiveness for her." Then he said: "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) used to do so." Another narration is: He (Abdullah) recited four Takbir and remained standing in prayer for some time till we thought that he would recite the fifth Takbir. Then he gave Salam on the right and on the left. When he turned aside, we asked him about it. He replied: "I would add nothing to what I saw the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) doing," or he said: "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) used to do so."
All the above mentioned supplications are those which were recited by the Prophet (PBUH) in the funeral prayers. It is, therefore, advisable if they are all put together and recited because we are commanded to pray sincerely for a dead body. Another point comes to our knowledge about the funeral prayer, that is to say, it may be said aloud as affirmed by the above mentioned Ahadith because if the Prophet (PBUH) had not offered it aloud, the Companions would not have been able to memorize these supplications. Thirdly, we are uncertain that after saying a funeral prayer, the Prophet