Hadith # 844
Wathilah bin Al-Asqa' (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Of the worst lies are: to claim a false father, or to pretend to have seen what one has not seen (tell a false dream), or to attribute to the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) what he has not said."
To disown one's father and attribute fatherhood to somebody else is a major sin, because apart from causing doubts and confusion in people's minds about one's blood, descent and character, this will give rise to social, moral and psychological problems as well. And of the same serious nature is the case where fabricated sayings and acts are attributed to the Messenger of Allah (PBUH). Unfortunately, some unwary 'Ulama', particularly the story-telling preachers, frequently indulge in uttering fabricated Ahadith. The warning equally holds good in case a man narrates a Hadith of a weak chain of transmission without pointing to its category. One should, therefore, refrain from recounting all Ahadith of such a category. There are always some so-called 'Ulama', ambitious of social distinction and fame, who have made tall claims on the basis of their dreams. They are audacious enough to claim that they unceremoniously see the Prophet (PBUH) and receive instructions from him. There also exist certain misguided people who justify their fantastic views on the basis of their dreams and repudiate the rightly-established beliefs and precepts. All this is baseless and nonsensical. Dreams cannot be made the touchstone of verifying what is lawful or unlawful, or what is true or untrue. What we need indeed are the tangible arguments of the Shari'ah.