In another narration 'Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) said: (Upon hearing the intercession of Usamah), the face of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) changed color (because of anger) and he said, "Do you dare to intercede in matters prescribed by Allah?" Usamah pleaded: "O Messenger of Allah! Pray for my forgiveness." 'Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) added: Thereafter the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) gave orders to have that woman's hand cut off.
1. Hadd is the punishment fixed by Shari'ah and which no one has the authority to increase or decrease. For instance, theft is punishable by the cutting of the hand; the punishment of adultery is a hundred stripes or Rajm (stoning to death); the punishment of drinking of intoxicants is forty stripes etc.
2. Nobody has the right to intercede or make any recommendation in this matter.
3. There is no distinction of male or female in the matter of these punishments (Hudud). Whoever commits a crime which is punishable by Hadd, whether that person is male or female, will be liable for punishment prescribed under Hadd - the punishment, the limits of which have been defined in the Qur'an and Hadith.
4. No one is exempted from Hadd, no matter how great he is, because there is no distinction of great or small in the matter of Hadd.
5. We must learn a lesson from the history of past nations so that we can save ourselves from such misdeeds which caused their ruin.
6. This Hadith brings into prominence the distinction and eminence of Usamah and his position in the eyes of the Prophet (PBUH).