Here 'its early stage' means the period of the Companions, of the Successors (of the Companions), and of the Followers (of the Successors). In another Hadith, it has been called as the best era. In comparison with all the succeeding periods, this period is surpassingly good, peaceful and blessed. Later would emerge, it was prophesized, mischief after mischief, each being worse than the preceding one. Today, everybody sees the truth of this prophecy like the light of day. By predicting the emergence of mischief, Messenger of Allah (PBUH) wanted to warn his followers that they should keep themselves aloof from them. To them he further explained in advance the precautionary measures, that is, to keep faith in Allah, to remain firm-footed in the belief in the Hereafter and to deal with people fairly, attempting to be polite to them at the same time.
Besides, prophecy has been made about the abundance of the power-hungry people with a remedial note. In the first instance believers are supposed to swear allegiance to the caliph, and by extending their cooperation to him they should kill another claimant to the caliphate because it is only in this way that the unity of the Muslim Ummah can be maintained, free of chaos and discord. Yet, unfortunately, the power-orientated groups have found a plaything in the shape of democracy, turning peace and unity into a legend of the past. What a pity that despite all that they seek stability and progress! Is it the miracle of time or the quirk of the vested interests that has reversed the whole scheme of things? There is little hope of the improvement of the Muslim world's affairs. Indeed, it faces an ironical situation.