Another narration is: Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said, "He who does not look after his subjects with goodwill and sincerity, will be deprived of the fragrance of Jannah."
A narration in Muslim is: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "A ruler who, having control over the affairs of the Muslims, does not strive diligently for their betterment and does not serve them sincerely, will not enter Jannah with them."
Commentary: Here the attention of rulers has been invited to their obligations. They are told that their designation is very important because they are responsible for tackling the problems and affairs of millions of people. If their single-minded devotion, determined efforts and heartfelt feelings of well-wishing will not go to solving these problems, they will be deemed guilty by Allah. Rulers are, therefore, warned, lest power should go to their head and make them unheedful of people's problems, rights and concerns. Instead being fully conscious of their accountability to Allah (SWT) they are apt to make full efforts to provide justice and peace to people. By "forbid from entering Jannah" means they will not enter it with the first successful people until they get punished for their wrongdoings. If however, they were treacherous to their subjects while regarding this injustice lawful, thus disobeying Allah and His Commands, they will stay in Hell forever because this way they have made permissible and lawful what Allah has forbidden.